The famous ice hockey player, two times Olympic champion and three times Stanley Cup winner, former forward of Vancouver Canucks, Igor Larionov told about the capital of the coming Winter Olympics.
"I always used to say that Vancouver is the best place in the world," said Larionov. "It is my favourite city. It is an awesome corner combining snowy mountains of Switzerland, beaches of Miami and New York downtown. Where else can you find such beauty?"
"I was not a bit surprised to learn that in 2005 experts of some British magazine named Vancouver best in terms of living standards. Having lived in Vancouver I felt its charm at once."
"For me it is more comfortable there than in Paris or London. Though I have never lived in these cities for a long time – only a week or so."
"And I have spent three and a half years in Vancouver. When I left Canucks I went on coming back to the city with different teams and always did it with great pleasure."
"There are so many interesting things there! For example, fifteen minutes by car and you are in the mountains. At the height of 670 meters there is Whistler – one of the best of ski resorts in North America – where lots of competition will be held during the Olympic Games."
"And what about Vancouver’s air! London, Paris and Moscow can never compete with it."
"But we always lived where it is better for our children and not in Vancouver. Firstly it was Los Angeles for my daughters were in show business."
"Then they turned to another path and as a result the elder daughter moved to Pittsburg. The younger one is still with us but she is planning to leave for Montreal or Chicago."
"And because of the son we returned to Detroit not long ago. He plays ice hockey and in this city has better prospects."
"There are no disadvantages in Vancouver… or perhaps only weather. Sometimes it can rain for three consecutive weeks and of course it is dull that time."
"During the Olympics in the mounts there will be snow. And in the city one should be prepared to anything. Though do not expect frosts. In February the temperature is usually +5+14 Cº and rains. So I advice to take an umbrella."
"But if the sun appears the city changes – it becomes so beautiful. And moreover there are no skyscrapers there. The authorities made the right decision to limit the height of the buildings, as it is better to watch mountains than constructions of cement and glass."
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